About the Author

About the Author

John S. Benjamin

I’ve been writing articles ever since I was in high school on topics I like and share with others.

I’ve also broadcast on radio, television and written in the newspaper sharing the gospel with the public.

The whole world scene is unfolding rapidly before our eyes. There are dramatic changes in the atmosphere, politics, economy, human values, etc. We  hear about wars and rumours of wars all over the world. All these events are the result of sin that abounds in this world.  All these events have been happening ever since the world came into existence; but the intensity and frequency with which these are taking place, we find no comparison.

“Who Is This Jesus Christ” is briefly outlining the life and mission of Jesus while He was on this earth more than 2,000 years ago. It is written for the benefit of all, whether they believe Him to be the Messiah, a prophet, a guru, or one of the many gods.

It is my hope that this book will help the reader to know who Jesus Christ is.

Thank you.