About the Book
Who Is This Jesus Christ?
A Prophet, a Guru, One of the Gods or More!

The whole world is groaning under the pain inflicted by atrocities such as diseases, poverty, misery, wars, murders, famines, climatic catastrophes, moral decay, and the list goes on. All these have always taken place in the past, but the intensity and frequency with which these are unfolding, we find no parallel. What are the causes behind these problems and is there any hope and a way out for man?
Though man has made astronomical advances in science and technology, does he have answers and solutions to these problems? What does the future hold for mankind? Is this world coming to an end? For centuries, man has been grappling and seeking answers to these questions. This book deals with these questions.
The name Jesus has been the subject of much controversy. In His time, He was the subject of constant scrutiny and under the watchful eyes of the religious and government leaders, who tried very hard and failed miserably to find any opportunity where they could find fault in Him, His teachings and actions, and prove Him wrong in any way whatsoever. In our time, He is venerated, revered, and worshipped by some, while others swear and use His name in vain. Some consider Him a prophet, a teacher, a guru, one of the gods, etc., whereas others consider Him the Son of God, Messiah, King, and more. He has impacted the world in a positive way.
Who Is This Jesus Christ? reveals why Jesus Christ came to this Earth and for what purpose and what He had to say about all of these events!
Publication Date
June 25, 2024